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Portuguese painting is our reason for existing.

Our Gallery is located in Príncipe Real, 26, in Lisbon, where our artists are exposed daily and they are spoken to those who visit us as a jewel that everyone needs to know.

It is our gift to Portuguese culture. 

We now make it known through this site, sharing them with everyone who wishes to benefit from them.


When you visit our website - - or when using our services, you are automatically accepting the practices described in these Terms and Conditions and in our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with them respectfully, we ask that you do not use our services.

This online presence is owned by the company Welcometoart - Unipessoal, Lda., Legal person no. 514834137, which is also its registration number at the Commercial Registry Office of Lisbon, with a registered capital of 200.00 Euros, headquarters at Estrada Militar de Valejas, Studio 21, Nirvana Studios 2730-226 Barcarena, which is dedicated to the dissemination of Portuguese Art and Culture, agencying artists and promoting business of buying and selling works of art.

Welcome To Art is committed to protecting the personal data of potential beneficiaries of works of art, customers and users and their confidentiality, as well as the personal data of all stakeholders where the processing of personal data is necessary, which are collected and processed in strict respect and compliance with the provisions of the personal data protection legislation in force at all times, namely Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR ”).

This Data Protection Policy applies exclusively to the collection and processing of personal data for which Welcome To Art is responsible for the respective treatment, within the scope of services and products made available to potential beneficiaries of works of art and in all situations where processing of personal data.

An identifiable person is a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, namely by reference to a name, identification number, location data, identifiers electronically or to one or more specific elements of their physical, physiological, genetic identity, mental, economic, cultural or social.

The processing of personal data consists of an operation or set of operations carried out on personal data or sets of personal data, using automated means, whether or not, namely the collection, registration, organization, structuring, conservation, adaptation, recovery, consultation, use, disclosure, dissemination, comparison, interconnection, limitation, erasure or destruction.

The entity responsible for the processing of personal data is the Company or entity that Welcome To Art determines the purposes and means of processing them.

For this purpose, if the holder of the personal data needs to contact the data controller, he / she can do so through the means and contacts:

Welcome To Art

Welcometoart - Unipessoal, Lda.

Gallery - Praça Príncipe Real, 26, 1250-184 Lisboa

Office - Estrada Militar Valejas, Studio 21, Nirvana Studios 2730-226 Barcarena

Welcome To Art, within the scope of its activities, processes the personal data necessary for the provision of services and / or supply of products, processing data such as name, address, telephone number and email address, according to more detailed information made available to personal data holders.

Without prejudice to the compliance with legal norms related to the conservation and transmission of data for the purposes of investigation, detection, prosecution of serious crimes, as well as other treatments to which it is legally obliged, traffic data, geographic location, profile and or consumption of the potential beneficiary of the artwork, customer, user, will be treated by Welcome To Art as they are necessary for the respective provision of services. In this way, based on location, profile and / or consumption, the Customer / User will have access, namely, to specific functionalities, content suggestions and information services in the vicinity.

Location information can also be recorded and transmitted to organizations with legal competence to receive emergency calls, for the purpose of responding to incoming calls.

If there is prior consent from the Client / User, this can be withdrawn at any time, without, however, the lawfulness of the treatment carried out based on the consent previously given being compromised.

Welcome To Art collects your personal data, namely by telephone, in writing, through its website and through the subscription left in person during the visit of the holder to the Gallery, guaranteeing, whenever necessary, the prior consent of the data holder personal.

Some personal data are indispensable for the execution of the contract and, in case of lack or insufficiency thereof, Welcome To Art will not be able to provide the product in question.

If the holder of the personal data is not a customer / user of Welcome To Art, the respective personal data will only be treated when they are made available, in which case the rules of this Data Protection Policy will apply.

The personal data collected can be processed by computer and in an automated or non-automated way, guaranteeing in all cases the strict compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data, being stored in specific databases, created for this purpose and, under no circumstances, the data collected will be used for a purpose other than that for which it was collected or given the consent of the data subject.

Without prejudice to the recipients indicated throughout this Data Protection Policy, Welcome To Art will be able to communicate the personal data of the client / user, with the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations namely to police, judicial, tax and regulatory entities.

In general, the personal data collected is based on and is intended for the management of the contractual relationship, the adaptation of services to the needs and interests of the client / user, namely for the purpose of accessing specific issues of the works.

In addition, personal data may also be processed for the purpose of complying with legal obligations and for the purpose of investigating, detecting and prosecuting serious crimes.

Without prejudice to the additional information provided when collecting the data, Welcome To Art may also, provided that it is legally permissible, use the personal data provided by the holder for other purposes, such as to publicize campaigns, promotions, advertising and news about your products and / or services.

The period of time during which personal data is stored and preserved varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed.

Effectively, there are legal requirements that require data to be kept for a minimum period of time. Thus, and whenever there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and preserved only for the minimum period necessary for the pursuit of the purposes that motivated its collection or its further treatment, under the terms defined by law.


As holders of personal data, customers / users are guaranteed, at any time, the right to access, rectify, update, limit and erase their personal data (except for the data that are indispensable for the provision of services by Welcome To Art duly identified on the form as being of mandatory supply or the fulfillment of legal obligations to which the controller is subject), the right to oppose the use of them for commercial purposes by Welcome To Art and the withdrawal of consent, without this compromising the lawfulness of the treatment carried out under that consent, as well as the right to data portability.

Without prejudice to the provisions of the GDPR, the holder of personal data may do so, directly or upon written request, addressed to the respective Data Controller, through the contacts provided for the purpose in this document.

Welcome To Art can promote dissemination actions to its customers / users, of new products or services, namely by telephone, e-mail or any other electronic communications service, if the holder of the personal data has given his consent.

If the holder of personal data does not intend to continue receiving these communications, he may, at any time, withdraw his consent to the use of his data for marketing purposes.

Without prejudice to being able to submit complaints directly to Welcome To Art, through the contacts made available for this purpose, the client / user can complain directly to the Control Authority, which is the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD), using the contacts publicly made available by this entity for this purpose.

Welcome To Art is committed to ensuring the protection of the security of the personal data made available to it, having approved and implemented strict rules in this matter. Compliance with these rules constitutes an obligation for all those who legally access them.

Bearing in mind the concern and commitment shown by Welcome To Art in the defense of personal data, several security measures, of a technical and organizational nature, were adopted in order to protect the personal data made available against its dissemination, loss, use unauthorized use, alteration, treatment or unauthorized access, as well as against any other form of unlawful treatment.

In addition, third parties that, in the scope of the provision of services, process the personal data of the client / user in the name and on behalf of Welcome To Art, are obliged, in writing, to carry out appropriate technical and security measures that, at all times, satisfy the requirements provided for in the legislation in force and ensure the defense of the rights of the data owner (namely, the protection of privacy and personal data of customers / users).

In this sense, the Welcome To Art website and subdomains, personal data collection forms can be encrypted from the browser and all personal data transferred are securely stored in Welcome To Art systems, which in turn are found in a Welcome To Art data center, covered by all physical and logical security measures that it considered to be indispensable for the protection of personal data.

Notwithstanding the security measures adopted, Welcome To Art warns all those who surf the Internet that they must adopt additional security measures, namely, to ensure that they use a PC and a Browser updated in terms of properly configured security patches, with active firewall, antivirus and anti-spyware and that make sure the authenticity of the websites they visit on the internet, and should avoid websites whose reputation they do not trust.

Welcome To Art, within the scope of its activity, may use third parties to provide certain services. Sometimes, the provision of these services implies access, by these entities, to personal data of customers / users. When this happens, Welcome To Art takes the appropriate measures, in order to ensure that the entities that have access to the data are reputable and offer the highest guarantees at this level, which is duly enshrined and contractually safeguarded between the board and the board. (s) third party (ies).

Thus, any entity subcontracted by Welcome To Art will treat the personal data of its customers / users, in the name and on behalf of Welcome To Art and adopting the necessary technical and organizational measures in order to protect personal data against destruction, accidental or unlawful, accidental loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access and against any other form of unlawful treatment.

In any case, Welcome To Art remains responsible for the personal data made available to it.

The provision of certain services by Welcome To Art may involve the transfer of your data outside Portugal, including outside the European Union or to International Organizations.

In such a case, Welcome To Art will strictly comply with the applicable legal provisions, namely regarding the determination of the suitability of the destination country (ies) with regard to the protection of personal data and the requirements applicable to such transfers, including, always where applicable, the signing of appropriate contractual instruments that guarantee and respect the legal requirements in force.




What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer or on your mobile devices when visiting certain sites, retaining only information related to your preferences, not including your personal data as such.


What are cookies for?

Cookies are used to help determine the usefulness, interest and number of uses of the sites, allowing for faster and more efficient navigation, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information required.


For what purposes do we use cookies?

Cookies are used only for the purpose of statistical creation and analysis, without ever collecting personal information. Cookies obtain generic information about the user's access to the website (not the content itself) in order to subsequently provide us with aggregated information about these accesses for statistical purposes.


How can you manage / disable cookies?

All internet browsers allow the user to accept, refuse or delete cookies, namely, by selecting the appropriate settings in the respective browser. You can configure cookies in the "options" or "preference" menu of your browser.


Security Measures for Prevention and Combat

Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing


In order to combat the criminological phenomena of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism, Welcome To Art complies with all its legal obligations with regard to customer knowledge and investigation measures, that is, customer due diligence, measures that they are graduated and are based on risk assessment standards. In this sense, under the terms provided for by Law no. 83/2017 of 18 August and by Regulation no. 314/2018 of 25 May, it falls on WELCOMETOART, as a Legal Entity that carries out its economic activity in the area of ​​commerce. works of art, special preventive duties aimed at preventively combating crimes such as Money Laundering and


Financing of Terrorism, as follows:

  1. The Duty to Identify;

  2. The Duty to Refuse to Conduct Operations;

  3. The Duty to Retain Documents;

  4. The Duty to Exam

  5. The Duty to Communicate;

  6. The Duty to Abstain;

  7. The Duty to Collaborate;

  8. The Duty of Secret;

  9. The Duty to Create Control and Training Mechanisms.


In this sense, Welcome To Art makes available and emphasizes the duty of reading and understanding of all its potential beneficiaries of works of art, users and buyers of the following elements designed to guide the activity and internal procedures of Welcome To Art:

  • High-Risk Third Countries:

  • Restrictive Measures applied to Countries, Entities and People:

  • Generic Suspicion Indicators:

  • Specific Suspect Lists and Indicators:


Welcome To Art highlights, in a particular way, the Duty of Communication that falls on our sphere of action, which is reflected in the mandatory reporting to the Financial Information Unit (FIU) of the Judiciary Police and to the Central Department of Action Investigation Penal (DCIAP), whenever there are well-founded suspicions or indications that certain funds, goods or items, regardless of the amount or value involved, come from criminal activities or are in some way related to the financing of terrorism.


Welcome to Art reserves the right to change or readjust this Privacy Policy at any time, and these changes will be duly publicized on our website. If you have any questions or concerns about the Privacy Policy or how your personal data is treated, you can contact us by email - - or by mail to our offices located in Estrada Militar de Valejas, Studio 21, Nirvana Studios, 2730-226, Barcarena.



NIF 514834137

Gallery - Praça Príncipe Real, 26, 1250-184 Lisboa

Office - Rua Gonçalves Zarco 6G Restelo 1400-191 Lisboa

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